22nd - 27th May 2023

Spotlight On: Proxy

Munchausen, Mayhem and Murder. Invalided and infantilised by her mother Dee Dee, Gypsy is imprisoned in a fantasy world, until an online boyfriend offers her a way out.

Face to Face (England)

Munchausen, Mayhem and Murder. Invalided and infantilised by her mother Dee Dee, Gypsy is imprisoned in a fantasy world, until an online boyfriend offers her a way out.

'A heart-wrenching yarn, riddled with genuine pathos.' **** (The List)

Caroline Burns Cooke’s first solo show, ‘And the Rope Still Tugging Her feet,’ which was based on a true story, won the Performance Award for outstanding individual performance at Prague Fringe last year.

“I seek to expose the workings and motivations of the human mind and excavate our most intimate relationships from a female perspective,” she said.

She’s been performing since we was around 18 years old, doing film, stand up comedy, and theatre, and she has only gone solo three years ago.

As a writer Caroline searched for another ‘truth is stranger than fiction’ story that would get a powerful narrative hook on which to explore her chosen themes.

PROXY is Caroline’s second collaboration with Director Colin Watkeys.

“We are a perfect combination as we are primarily concerned with character, meaning and truth, working together to tell the story in the most powerful, theatrical and entertaining way,” she said.

Colin has directed other solo shows, notably those of Ken Campbell and Claire Dowie.

Show dates and times


28.05. 21:30 – 22:30

29.05. 21:30 – 22:30

30.05. 21:30 – 22:30

31.05. 21:30 – 22:30


Venue: A Studio Rubin

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