22nd - 27th May 2023

Fringe goes Non-verbal

BREAKING: In a 360 degree move Prague Fringe is set to become the worlds only non-verbal English language theatre festival

In a shock move Prague Fringe Director Steve Gove has decided to stage the worlds only non-verbal English language theatre festival.

From 2024 Prague's traditional festival of English langauge theatre is set to break records by being the first of it's klnd.

'It took a while to convince all the performers that non-verbal is the way to go' says Gove, who has been in negotiations with already signed up acts since mid December. 'All but one of the shows were text based so it was a difficult decision to make'.

Fringe vetran Pip Utton was not convinced 'My shows are text based - how on earth am I supposed to adapt them to non-verbal performences'.

Prague Fringe came up with a solution - performers can present audiences with scripts which they can read while mouthing the words - it's believed that almost half of the shows will adopt this move.

'In a world as noisy and confused as the one we live in it's important to embrace quiet' said Gove 'We think this will be a huge success - the opening show has already sold out - Pip Utton's adaptation of The Silence of the Lambs'
