22nd - 27th May 2023

Everything you need to know!

Wondering what this Fringe Reimagined thing is all about? We've got the answers to all your questions!

Q: So what is Fringe Reimagined anyway?
A: It's our reinvented version of the Fringe Festival. Instead of bringing the world of international theatre to Prague (as we have done every Spring for the past 18 years), for the first time, we're sharing Czech theatre with the world instead. We've hand-picked a selection of Czech productions to share with our global audiences.    

Q: Are the shows live or pre-recorded?
A: All of the shows are performed live in real time, and live-streamed to our website. You can also watch via Facebook.

Q: What about the quality of the filming and sound?
A: Each show will be recorded by 3 cameras, operated by professionals, and multiple microphones will pick up the sound. A stream director will then select the best shots to direct to you, the audience, watching the live stream. The aim is to emulate the feeling of being in the theatre with the actors as much as possible.

Q: Where will the shows be performed? Can I attend?
A: The shows will all be performed live in Kampus Hybernska, in the centre of Prague. Unfortunately due to current restrictions here in the Czech Republic, audiences are not permitted in the venue.

Q: I’m not available at the time the show is on, can I watch it later?
A: Yes, although we strongly encourage audiences to watch the live version of the performances, we will be recording them and sharing the links to watch again on our website afterwards. The links will be added to each show listing in the programme.

Q: In which time zone are the shows performed?
A: All show times are in CET (Central European Time). Use a website such as https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to work out the local time in your country.

Q: How do I buy a ticket to a show?
A: You don’t! There are no tickets or log-ins, or complicated registration links. Everything is available to watch free of charge. The live stream will appear inside the show listing for each show when it is available, or look out for notifications about live videos on our Facebook page.

Q: How do I attend a webinar?
A: To join our webinar events as a participant, look out for the RSVP link within the show listing on our website which will give you a link to the live stream when it's available.

Q: If the shows are in Czech, how will I be able to understand them?
A: All shows or events in Czech will either have Czech subtitles on the screen, or live translations into English. Other shows are non-verbal so language isn't a barrier to enjoying the performance.

Q: If everything is free, how can I support the Fringe?
A: Great question!
We’ll be relaunching our Prague Fringe Survival fund during the festival. It’s an easy way to show your appreciation for the performers by buying them a virtual drink in the virtual fringe bar, and helps to support the future of the festival as we navigate these incredibly challenging times.

Have any other questions? Please fee free to contact us and we'll be happy to answer them!
